After-sales service

Our after-sales service is designed to address any request or need that may arise after the purchase. We are here to guarantee your complete satisfaction, offering ongoing support and efficient solutions. Do not hesitate to contact us; We are here to serve you and ensure that your experience with us is always excellent.

Step by step of your After-sales

1. Fill out the after-sales form.
2. The request will be entered through the form and will be immediately sent to the After-Sales department, which has 10 business days to contact you.
3. The after-sales professional will evaluate the repair to be carried out, coordinate the work schedule and determine the resources required to attend to your after-sales service according to its criteria and in the shortest possible time.
4. The after-sales professional will assign suitable personnel according to the requirement of the activities to be carried out and complying with the times established in the construction company’s internal procedure according to the type of request.
5. Finally, a certificate of conformity of the service provided by the after-sales department will be delivered.
6. If a new requirement is presented, the owner must enter the website and fill out the after-sales form again.
Our sales executives are ready to accompany you in your real estate investment process.